Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Long Earth

This week I read The Long Earth, By Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. This book is about an antisocial man named Joshua who discovers a long series of parallel earths in two directions from Earth. Joshua and a strange tibetan computer man named Lopsang go on a long distance adventure across what is called the Long Earth. This book was fabulous. It got a little slow in some parts, but it is a great fantasy novel. It is the first in a series of five books, only three being published so far. Unlike many fantasy books, It does not follow the typical story lines and it is a very worthwhile read for anyone in our class. I would highly recommend this book.


  1. This sounds pretty good, maybe I'll read it. Happy last book blog!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Interesting book! I might read this someday next year!

  4. This sounds cool. YAAAAAY LAST BOOK BLOG
