Saturday, March 22, 2014


more dream

I walk until I get to the town. The horses scream, so I turn into my human form. I am crying. Having no pack means I have no home or family. The horses stop screaming. All of the people are gone to bed. It is the middle of the night. In the middle of the road, grubbing in the dead leaves is a piglet. I walk up to it, and hold my hand out for it to sniff. It snuffles, it’s wet flat nose making me giggle and cry at the same time. I sit down cross-legged on the ground. It smells my tears and walks onto my lap, snuffling at my face, and licking me with it’s wet tongue. I like this piglet. I gently touch it’s ears, and back, scratching it’s itchy spot. It’s back leg starts to go is circles like it is scratching the air. This is funny. I do this when I am in my wolf form. I go into the woods and pick some edible berries. I come back to the village, and there is the pig, sitting in the road. I give it the berries. I stand up to move on and it follows me. I will keep this pig. It will be the start of my new pack. Pig and I leave the village and walk east, towards the moon.

1 comment:

  1. I want a piglet.
    I do love your vivid descriptions of the piglet and how you interact with it. Your last line is quite nice, as well. Walking towards the moon. Lovely
