I am not a puppy anymore. My legs are
strong and long, and my fur is a red brown color. My ears and paws are no
longer strikingly huge. I am still young, and I am always in trouble with
Alpha. Today I will cross the expanse. I am not sure if I can do it, but I will
try. I prowl the snowy woods, towards the huge drop off we call the expanse. It
has tall pillars of stone, sprouting like giant mushrooms from the bottom of
the chasm. They are icy, so I will have to balance carefully so I do not fall.
I stand proudly at the edge. The
distance to the first pillar is about fifty feet. The mist that has been here
for the last few days is thicker than ever. I turn around, run back for a
running start, and start to sprint. I run, and leap. My stomach drops, and the
world flies by me. I fall onto the surface of the pillar. I can’t see the next
one. This means I can’t jump. This is terrible. I am stuck on this pillar, and
I cannot see anything but the curtains of mist that hang from the sky like
white blankets. I am here to be brave, not to get stuck.
I leap into the darkness, and my
terror nearly takes me over. I land on another pillar. This one is squishy, and
when I hit it, I bounce onto the air. I twist madly, trying to get my feet
underneath me. I hit another pillar; this one springs me up again. I fly
through the air and I land with a crash on something that crashes and crunches
when I hit it. I have crossed the Expanse. I run forward, briskly trying to get
the fog off of me. It is getting hot. I
pant, and pant, and the fog vanishes. A large green hill is in front of me. It
is lumpy and, to my dismay, it has a head and neck and eyes, and it is very
angry. It glares at me with it’s yellow eyes, and with a mighty roar it spits
fire at me. I turn and run. I run and I jump into the expanse. I land on the
other side and run for the cave. In my fear, I do not notice my process of
going across, only that I am on my side. Alpha sits at the cave mouth, his lips
curled back in a snarl. I don’t know what I did wrong.
“You stupid pup. You never cross
the expanse when the fog is there. You are jumping blindly into nothingness.
You could’ve died, or fallen into the chasm and never been able to come out of
it again. This is the last time you disobey me! Get out of here. You are a
shame to this pack.” My tail droops at these words. I turn around, away from
the cave, and walk sadly away from my home. I have no pack now.
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